星期五, 9月 08, 2006

programming language

前個月,我在撰寫 寫程式的Free Talk 中,所使用的programming language解釋,來自wiki

Computer programming (often simply programming or coding) is the craft of writing a set of commands or instructions that can later be compiled and/or interpreted and then inherently transformed to an executable that an electronic machine can execute or "run". Programming requires mainly logic, but has elements of science, mathematics, engineering, and — many would argue — art.

而我昨天在The C++ Programming Language 3/e看到programming language 解釋為(這本書終於開始看了)

A programming language serves two related purposes: it provides a vehicle for the programmer to specify actions to be executed, and it provides a set of concepts for the programmer to use when thinking about what can be done.


The first purpose ideally requires a language that is "close to the machine"
The second puopose ideally requires a language that is "close to the problem to be solved"

兩者解釋大異其趣,不過我較為喜歡後面的翻譯....而不是前者死板板的解釋,程式語言(編程語言)提供兩個相關性的目的,一個為提供很明確的目標,讓programmer可以使用一些特殊的行為讓目標達成(close to the machine)。一個提供明確的概念,讓programmer善加利用而去解決問題(close to the problem to be solved)


還有Thinking in Java 4/e要看..Orz
