星期三, 3月 11, 2009

2008 Turing Award

今年 Turing Award 發佈之後,ycma 特別來信告知,因為他知道我對 programming language 特別有興趣。今年繼2006年 Frances E. Allen 以第一位女性得到 Turing Award 之後,

2008 的 Turing Award 得主為 Barbara Liskov !!

特將 ycma 轉寄的信節錄於下

ACM has named Barbara Liskov the recipient of the 2008 ACM A.M. Turing Award for her contributions to practical and theoretical foundations of programming language and system design, especially related to data abstraction, fault tolerance, and distributed computing. (yen3 註: 以查 wiki 得到的資料,這邊的特別指定的領域,幾乎都是首先開創。)

Liskov revolutionized the programming field with groundbreaking research that underpins virtually every modern computer application for both consumers and businesses. Her achievements in programming language design have made software more reliable and easier to maintain. They are now the basis of every important programming language since 1975, including Ada, C++, Java, and C#. (yen3 註: 這邊提到的語言我只有 Ada 不會耶,不過這不重要啦 XD)

Liskov heads the Programming Methodology Group in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, where she has conducted research and has been a professor since 1972. (yen3 註: 讀到這邊抽了一口涼氣,讓我想到現在中研院院士,領導自由軟體鑄造場,但是我忘了名字了...Orz)

那麼我又節錄一下,Liskov 女士在 wiki 上的資料

Liskov has led many significant projects, including the design and implementation of CLU, the first programming language to support data abstraction; Argus, the first high-level language to support implementation of distributed programs; and Thor, an object-oriented database system. With Jeannette Wing, she developed a particular definition of subtyping, commonly known as the Liskov substitution principle. She leads the Programming Methodology Group at MIT, with a current research focus in Byzantine Fault Tolerance and distributed computing. (yen3 註: 真的只能對 Liskov 女士以 pioneer 來形容,到現在仍持續研究,真的很很讓人佩服。)

感謝老師提供此訊息,不然我可能還不知道 XD

Josh Ko 對我說 Liskov 女士著名的 Liskov Substitution Principle: 這邊有簡介

星期一, 3月 09, 2009

Intstall git plug-in in Eclipse

其實我也不會,參考自這篇文章才會的 "Chris Cruft: Eclipse Git plugin installation",詳細說明安裝方法,Eclipse git plug-in 在Linux, Mac OSX底下問題不大,如果是Windows的話就要裝Cygwin,我是在Mac OS下試的,在 Eclipse 3.4.2 下測試,以下是不像翻譯的翻譯 XD

  1. 從網站中抓回檔案,在command line 底下輸入git clone git://repo.or.cz/egit.git

  2. 會抓完一個資料夾,在 Eclipse 中,把這個資料夾裡的專案匯入,方法為File >> Import >> General >> Existing Projects into Workspace >> 選擇該資料夾 >> 確定全部都的project都有被選取到即可下一步(原文寫八個,其實更多)

  3. 把匯入的專案全部build一次Project >> Build All

  4. 再把compile好的專案匯出,於是選取這些匯入的專案然後File >> Export >> Plug-in Development >> Deployable plug-ins and fragments目的資料夾選取你的Eclipse 安裝資料夾,匯出後重新開啟 Eclipse

  5. 重新開啟後對某個專案按右鍵 >> Team >> Share Project 應該就可以看到git的相關東西了,之後的設定也是從這個地方(藏的好隱密啊...Orz),或者是從File >> Import >> Git >> Git Repository直接使用現成的git repository也是一個不錯的方法

have fun!