星期六, 11月 05, 2011

An Advice for Students in CGUCSIE

Agenda of the Slides

  1. Have Fun

    1. 自我介紹
    2. B94 同學介紹
  2. Do the right thing, do the thing right.

    1. Do the right thing.
    2. Do the thing right.

      1. Time Management
      2. Calculus & Physics
      3. Something about note
  3. Especially for CGUCSIE
  4. Q&A

About me

  1. Wen-Shih Chao a.k.a Yen3
  3. Blog: No titile, no thinking, no meaning
  4. Email:
  5. 光榮事蹟 (XD)

    1. 參加兩次大型比賽未得獎 (with eating, Clara, fire7617, decay and Eighteen)
    2. 普物期末考 3 分被當掉
    3. 資料結構與演算法(下)期末考睡過頭被當掉 (with fire7617 XD)
    4. 國中數學物理都不會但是還是念了博士班 (comment by Yung-Cheng Ma)

About B94 Classmates

  1. eating & Mocho Lin
  2. Po-ya & Lee1126

Do the right thing, do the thing right

  1. Reference: The Last Lecture – Randy Pausch
  2. 重點不在於你把一件事做的多好,而是你是不是把這件事做對了
  3. 尋找你的熱情比什麼都來的更重要,縱使會上花上一輩子。
  4. 大量閱讀,樂於思考,勇敢競爭。 (from Chung-Ping Chung)

Time management

  1. Reference: Time Management – Randy Pausch
  2. Consider Time as money as important.
  3. Don’t use EDF(Earliy-Deadline First) Scheduling. (from Yung-Cheng Ma)
  4. Be good at to-list, Calendar and time Journal

Calculus & Physics

  1. Reference:

    1. 基礎數學 – 白啟光老師 – 交大應數系
    2. 微積分(一) – 白啟光老師 – 交大應數系
    3. 微積分(二) – 白啟光老師 – 交大應數系
  2. 萬物運作都有基本道理,而這些基本道理都藏在數學與物理等基礎學門中。
  3. 以無用為大用
  4. 如何練習思考 ? 從假設與定義出發。 (from Yung-Cheng Ma)

    1. 不要用自己解釋自己。
    2. 了解基本數學邏輯 (每句話都講的合情合理,前後文可以相連)

Something abot note

  1. 電腦無於思考
  2. Outline! Outline! Outline!
  3. 思考結構與目錄
  4. 從假設與定義出發 (from Yung-Cheng Ma)

Especially for CGUCSIE

  1. What is Computer Science? Why not Information Engineering.

    1. Why Science ?
    2. Coder and Programmer (from Guang-Wu Chen)
    3. Not just for Programming.
    4. You have to be good at presentation.
  2. To CGUCSIE students.

    1. 專注於自己所熱情的,要不要念資工 ?
    2. 樂於競爭
    3. 創造適合自己的環境
    4. 建議閱讀

      1. Communications of the ACM
      2. Computing Now
      3. MIT News
      4. Lambda the Ultimate
      5. Wired


  1. How to find the agenda ? (If you have interesting in these topic)

      Google: yen3
  2. If you have other problems, you could discuss with me in my blog or email.