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Agenda of the Slides
- Have Fun
- 自我介紹
- B94 同學介紹
- Do the right thing, do the thing right.
- Do the right thing.
- Do the thing right.
- Time Management
- Calculus & Physics
- Something about note
- Especially for CGUCSIE
- Q&A
About me
- Wen-Shih Chao a.k.a Yen3
- Blog: No titile, no thinking, no meaning
- Email:

- 光榮事蹟 (XD)
- 參加兩次大型比賽未得獎 (with eating, Clara, fire7617, decay and Eighteen)
- 普物期末考 3 分被當掉
- 資料結構與演算法(下)期末考睡過頭被當掉 (with fire7617 XD)
- 國中數學物理都不會但是還是念了博士班 (comment by Yung-Cheng Ma)
About B94 Classmates
- eating & Mocho Lin
- Po-ya & Lee1126
Do the right thing, do the thing right
- Reference: The Last Lecture – Randy Pausch
- 重點不在於你把一件事做的多好,而是你是不是把這件事做對了
- 尋找你的熱情比什麼都來的更重要,縱使會上花上一輩子。
- 大量閱讀,樂於思考,勇敢競爭。 (from Chung-Ping Chung)
Time management
- Reference: Time Management – Randy Pausch
- Consider Time as money as important.
- Don’t use EDF(Earliy-Deadline First) Scheduling. (from Yung-Cheng Ma)
- Be good at to-list, Calendar and time Journal
Calculus & Physics
- Reference:
- 基礎數學 – 白啟光老師 – 交大應數系
- 微積分(一) – 白啟光老師 – 交大應數系
- 微積分(二) – 白啟光老師 – 交大應數系
- 萬物運作都有基本道理,而這些基本道理都藏在數學與物理等基礎學門中。
- 以無用為大用
- 如何練習思考 ? 從假設與定義出發。 (from Yung-Cheng Ma)
- 不要用自己解釋自己。
- 了解基本數學邏輯 (每句話都講的合情合理,前後文可以相連)
Something abot note
- 電腦無於思考
- Outline! Outline! Outline!
- 思考結構與目錄
- 從假設與定義出發 (from Yung-Cheng Ma)
Especially for CGUCSIE
- What is Computer Science? Why not Information Engineering.
- Why Science ?
- Coder and Programmer (from Guang-Wu Chen)
- Not just for Programming.
- You have to be good at presentation.
- To CGUCSIE students.
- 專注於自己所熱情的,要不要念資工 ?
- 樂於競爭
- 創造適合自己的環境
- 建議閱讀
- Communications of the ACM
- Computing Now
- MIT News
- Lambda the Ultimate
- Wired
- How to find the agenda ? (If you have interesting in these topic)
Google: yen3
- If you have other problems, you could discuss with me in my blog or email.
2 則留言:
「期末考睡過頭」 XD
總是要做點蠢事 XD