星期三, 4月 08, 2009

Java Technicalities

其實我跟 Java 不熟,今天卻要對學弟妹做 Java Technicalities 的介紹,好死不死我又用全英文做簡報,硬著頭皮把簡報釋出,我想我的英文應該蠻差的,歡迎盡量指正,然後我會盡量改(泣)

Slide: PDF
Handout: PDF

這一次一樣,XeLaTeX code不釋出啦,要的人可以私底下來信。


3 則留言:

T55555 提到...


You said Java Class has three modes:
* public – interface
* private – implements
* protected – for some reasons XD

In fact, there are four possible modes! The missing one is "no modifier" access control; sometime we call it as "package access".

You can find info in this url:

Oh well, your post is old now, and the presentation was over long time ago. Ignore my comment then...

yen3 提到...

Thank you for your comments. If you don't tell me about the information.
I think that I will never know it. XD

The slide's info is old. And I am sorry that I have no time to maintain it. If you need the LaTeX source code, you can mail to me. I will send a copy as soon as possible.

Thank you!!

T55555 提到...

You are welcome.

It is good to have LaTex source code (I am still learning it :-) ).

I cannot find your email address via your blog.

If possible, can you send it to ruby55555@gmail.com ? Thank you!